心の中 暗さ 冷たさ

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hey minna! Today I got a new shoe! I know, it's no big deal, but I have nothing to post lately, soo......
The shoe is BLACK... and white... grr... haha.
The "secret blog" has a new blogskin! It's now BLUE instead of pink, and has the 3 authors' favourite Gundam seed Characters... but with 2 EXTRA people who are stupid and totally NOT related! They are ZAFT and EAF!!! Therefore, they are evil. Amberle-chan, please feedback.


(it's supposed to be a cat...)

Publicized By Icepath @ 6:17 AM

Problem with the track
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Announcement: There seems to be a problem with the first track so if you want to listen to it, I suggest you restart your com if it cannot work... As you an see, I have put "a little faulty" after the track so you know which one it is. So sorry to music lovers, for the inconvenience caused (not by me, by the track)!!!
Yours truly,



Publicized By Icepath @ 11:56 PM

Friday, May 23, 2008

OBS: Outward Bound Sngapore

Description: Very bad!!! I suffered under the wrath of Pulau Ubin!!!!

Day 1: Belaying. I climbed a 10m rock wall, and i finished 7m... I was (and stilll am) scared of heights!!! The food was nice for lunch, but not so good for dinner. I slept at 11, in a tent pitched near a 3m pole place. I hate packing, because the store was so small, and I was in a MESS!!!

Day 2: Kayaking. I learnt the different parts of the tri-yak, how to paddle, how to wear the life jacket and how to save myself when i capsize. Breakfast was nice, and lunch was not. Dinner was spicy, so haiz... no dinner for the ol' neko... Slept at 10:30.

Day 3: Land Expedition. Walked 8 km in 5-6 hrs non-stop carrying a 10-15kg bag!!! Visited the German Girl Shrine (lunch), highest peak in Pulau Ubin and Ubin Village, the garden thingy. 脚酸到要命阿!!! Lunch: bread, dinner, plain rice for the ol' neko, because of the other food being in curry, i.e. MUSHROOMS IN CURRY CHICKEN !!! 4 am wake up to do sanctury duty, i.e. patrol the camp (not OBS camp one but somewhere near ubin village, where we trekked to) and check the no. of tri-yaks left.

Day 4: Sea Expedition. Kayak back to camp one; 5km in 2 hrs, with current. The waves created by passing ships was fun to rock on in the kayak!!! I loved this expedition the most, as i love kayaking!! Packing for going home (MESSY!!!) and to clean up the store. Lost items: 20 OBS water bottles, 1 blue tub ++ etc... Mounted up to $$54 ごろ... $4 per person+ $3 for Group photo, and $4 for an OBS pin like those model pupil badges... hw for the music students!!! Haiz... sad...

My OBS watch was Washington, and it was rumored to be a detention centre, i.e. Washington D.C. Geddit? Detention centre= D.C.? Haha!!! I didn't like my watch... too clickish, resulting in me and Lydia and *ahem* being outcasts and doing everything together. *Ahem* was quite irritating, coz she was homesick and tagging along me to cry and complain and make my life HARD!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Bye!

Please leave your comments after the tone. *Beep*




Publicized By Icepath @ 5:54 PM

School holidays!!! Yay!!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hi minna! Back! ^^
It will be school holidays in a few days! I had my last IS lesson for the term today! The good news is that I can actually not have to worry about playing scales every week for the next 5 weeks! Yay! The bad news is that I still have to practise like *ahem* guilty people from the first post. Haiz...
I will be having OBS next week so expect nothing from me for a whole week while I suffer... And no. You can't hold press conferences on my c-box, if that's what you were thinking guilty person from post 1...
Yesterday was my last Jap lesson for the term... So sad... :( Oh well I still have the rest of the year...
I did not too bad for my semester, only very disappointing maths results... ):
Ok I am sort of multi- tasking here so I shall mono- task now. Bye minna!!!



Publicized By Icepath @ 5:13 AM

Theatre Performance
Friday, May 9, 2008

Today I had my first performance in SOTA not in music, but in acting!!! I really hope that the whole of SOTA enjoyed it! I felt so happy! They laughed alot! I was acting as a Jap person who was fond of "Chairman Mao" and always quoting common sensical stuff "he" said! YAY!
Hey! I did say to please keep this blog alive right? It seems pretty much next to DEAD now!!!
Anyway, I may change my blogskin as soon as I have time during the June holidays... Ok gtg seeya ppl!




Publicized By Icepath @ 4:42 AM

First post... and a legacy
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Minna! Let me introduce myself! I am a fan of vampires and Warriors (the book series) My warrior name is Icepath and I am not anywhere close to telling you my real name! Hehe!

Anyway, welcome to a new blog, where the author is from SOTA!! Yay! I have two best friends but I am also not gonna tell you who. Guilty people own up!

Please continue tagging me as I will not keep this blog alive all the time. I lack time and I have lots of homework too!

So I entrust this blog to all of you. warning: NO explicitives!!!



Publicized By Icepath @ 3:58 AM


I love Vampires, J-Pop & -Rock, Kamen Rider (all Toa's fault), TF, etc.

Most importantly, I love my family and my two BEST FRIENDS!!! Amberle and Toa---chan(the bakka)!


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